Sunday, October 31, 2010

Overwhelmed. Matthew 1

            Overwhelmed. In Matthew chapter 1, I can figure that’s an accurate description of what Joseph was feeling when Mary told him the news of the blessed event that was coming their way.  Scripture intimates that maybe he didn’t even consider it coming “his” way.  this was going to be Mary’s problem.  He comes up with his plan to divorce her. But before he actually carries that out, he considers these things.  Thus, he decides to sleep on it.
            Deus ex machina time as God invades his dream.  But how do you like the answer he gets?  God tells him it’s all about the whole plan of God.  Joseph is probably thinking about the most discreet way to return the wedding invitations. Instead, he is told to add Messiah to the list of guests. Oh, and by the way, the Anointed One wants to bring His own children, potentially the whole world! Sleep on that, Joseph.
            Joseph was to be comforted by theology.  In this case, it was soteriology, the plan of salvation.  In short, it’s the gospel.  Actually, all theology is the gospel.  Joseph was to look at his life situation. God explained how this circumstance was to result in people obtaining a relationship with God through the Savior.  That may be why Matthew was so detailed in listing the genealogy of Jesus.  The mention of those names brought all sorts of stories to mind of Matthew’s contemporary readers. They were not all good stories.
            It’s no different for us.  When we learn Scripture, we begin to understand theology.  We then see how our situations fit into this plan that God has outlined for us and for the world.  That’s why we read the Book.  God wants us to understand that our whole lives are to result in the evangelism of the whole world.  From God’s perspective, our lives are to move us closer to God.    This comprehension takes time. But that’s what God promises us plenty of, an eternity of it.

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